SyBilant S

Encroaching oblivion

by Helen Robertson

I shall not be Cassandra
And speak what we know
Yet deny. That cause of code switch
Which erects our walls. Each our own
Great safe Troy with that mass of Greeks
Huddled outside. As different from each other
As from us. Looking to tear down
Each fortification they find. To gawk at the
Other and throw them to the dogs.

So when walking down the street
You miss the man beside us and slip
Lisping out a simple “yas”
And we both see his sneer
I shall not be Cassandra
And speak our collective prophecy
Hoping he passes the sally port by.


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body of stone is out of print from The Blasted Tree Store

Featured by The Blasted Tree: October 26, 2021

Helen Robertson

Contributing Author

body of stone by Helen Robertson is a Blasted Tree original collection of poetry.

ISBN [Digital]: 978-1-987906-76-9

Cover Design by Kyle Flemmer