Joanne Kyger: Post-Life

from Broken Glosa

by Stephen Bett

So “existence” never quits,
never began, never ended
You see in the moment
So sorry it will never be / like this again―

Joanne Kyger, Post Extinction

So “existence” never quits,
that nausea again, that old
chestnut[1] phenomenol-ogy
an old grey yid[2] preceding

never began, never ended
we miscalculated Saint Big Bang
by seconds, or was it
minutes? maybe eternity?

you see in the moment
flash… burn out that post-life
gloss light between two eternities of darkness[3]
hold empty freak-out bang bag

So sorry it will never be / like this again―
oh • my • god shudder, beyond dizzy
“God loves a cheerful giver"[4]
a failing liver … quiver, shiver



[1] Disturbing memories of Sartre, nearly 50 years out
[2] ITK poster on a THFC message board
[3] Julian Barnes
[4] Another death at Sunday School

Joanne Kyger: Post-Life is out of print from The Blasted Tree Store

Featured by The Blasted Tree: April 2, 2019

Stephen Bett

Contributing Author

Joanne Kyger: Post-Life, from Broken Glosa by Stephen Bett is a Blasted Tree original poem

Edition of 50 longsheets published in Canada