Call for Submissions - Spoken Word EP


We are putting together a compilation album of spoken word recordings by poets from across the country, and there is still time/space (spacetime) to submit! There is no theme for the project; instead, we're looking to showcase the diversity of voices and techniques used within our thriving spoken word community.

Send a recording of your spoken word performance, along with written lyrics, to by Feb. 28th!

Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have about the project. We know "compilation album of spoken word recordings" is perhaps a little vague, but that's to encourage your interpretation of what might qualify. We're primarily looking for audio content, but we will also accept the submission of any accompanying visual art, like illustrations or video, or other supplementary media.


Two weeks, poets - let's hear what you got!!!

Poster Series - Morning shore, by Laura Rojas

Graphic designer and poet Laura Rojas has created Morning shore, a poster series made from some of her recent poetry, exclusively for The Blasted Tree. Combining vivid poetic images with striking design and bold colours, Rojas' art works at the intersection of visual presentation and semantic meaning. 50 limited edition 7.75" x 13.5" posters of Morning shore, have been printed and are now available for purchase from The Blasted Tree Store, though, as always, you can preview the work online using the link below.


Poetry Chapbook - obscuritysquared by Michael Smilovitch

Neuroscientist, musician, and poet Michael Smilovitch explores the poetic qualities of bio-science in obscuritysquared, his first chapbook with The Blasted Tree. By importing the lexicon of brain chemistry, biology, and psychology into his verse, Smilovitch toys with commonly accepted notions of perception and subjectivity. obscuritysquared is fast-paced, funny, surreal, and smart. Most of this collection is previously unpublished, and three poems are available exclusively in limited edition chapbooks from The Blasted Tree Store!


Poetry Longsheet - Adventure Time by Jake Byrne

Jake Byrne is a gifted poet with searing vision and a sardonic tongue lithe beyond his years. The Blasted Tree is pleased to reprint his first published poem, Adventure Time, into 50 limited edition 4.25" x 11" longsheets. Adventure Time, a poem made of love, omens, and surrender, is printed on beautiful Classic Laid paper, and copies of the longsheet are now available from The Blasted Tree's Store.



Poetry Leaflet - Infinite Palindromes by Anthony Etherin

The work of UK-based experimental author and publisher Anthony Etherin explores new poetic forms and constraints. Infinite Palindromes features three short, palindromic phrases which, when strung together across multiple lines, can be repeated ad infinitum. 50 limited edition 4.5" x " 7" folded leaflets were printed, copies are now available from The Blasted Tree's Store.


Poetry Leaflet - In Memoriam, Bob Cobbing and Jennifer Pike Cobbing by derek beaulieu

Acclaimed experimental poet derek beaulieu memorializes influential concrete and performance artists Bob Cobbing and Jennifer Pike Cobbing with his 2-part visual poem, In Memoriam..., published by The Blasted Tree in a limited edition 7.5" x 6" folded leaflet. 50 copies of the visual poem were printed on bright satin paper, and the leaflet is now available from The Blasted Tree's Store.


Poetry Leaflet - In Montreal by Mia Poirier

Mia Poirier's poetry is always a welcome departure from the common pretensions of lyrical verse. The Blasted Tree is pleased to present their new poem, In Montreal, which speaks to the unexpected changes we undergo moving to a new city, in a limited edition 4.25" x 4.25" folded leaflet. 50 copies of the poem were printed on top quality Classic Laid paper, and the leaflet is now available from The Blasted Tree's Store.


New Poetry Chapbook - PRAY / LEWD by Kyle Flemmer

The selected first poems of Kyle Flemmer presents his best work from a variety of projects. PRAY / LEWD includes several poems which have appeared in print, some from ongoing projects, and a few which are new to the world, making an excellent cross-section of Flemmer's early explorations into poetic form, space, and subject. A limited edition of 50 chapbooks have been published, 20 of which are available for purchase from The Blasted Tree Store.


Year-End Sale and Call for Submissions

A new year is fast approaching, and for us that means an exciting new batch of projects! In 2017 we will begin publishing more than just our trusty chapbooks, including cool print media like leaflets, broadsheets, and longsheets. Of course, we will continue to publish boundary-pushing poetry, fiction, and non-fiction online. We're also looking to diversify our visual media collection by exploring everything from artist prints to video content.


With that in mind, we've put our entire back catalogue on sale! All remaining chapbooks are now only $3 to make room for our incoming projects. We have a very limited number of chapbooks by Jesse Anger, Laura Rojas, James W. Jesso, Ivan Fischer, Olivia Alexander, and several other fantastic authors, so DROP BY OUR STORE NOW to get the last copies around!


The Blasted Tree is currently accepting submission of unpublished short fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, visual media, and reviews. We're looking for sharp, experimental, subversive, challenging, or otherwise out-there writing and art of all types. Surprise us! We want innovative material we can publish in innovative forms, both physical and digital. Send your most daring work to

As always, thanks for the support, and we look forward to another year of exceptional Canadian artistry!

Featured Art - base currency by Kyle Flemmer

The Blasted Tree is opening a new line into the worlds of art and poetry! Beginning with this series, we will be making and selling artist prints on behalf of emerging Canadian artists. base currency is a series of concrete or visual poems by Blasted Tree author and editor Kyle Flemmer. The series works within constraints imposed by the analog machine to investigate the social and political significance of money. 20 numbered and signed artist prints of each part have been produced on quality card stock, and the entire series is available from The Blasted Tree's Store.